Over 45 years combined experience
Our recruiters have a combined experience of over 45 years of recruiting in Occupational Health, the most experienced team in the market.
We offer the most experienced Occupational Health recruitment team in the market. Ben Scott, Jason Atherton and Scott Neto have a combined experience of over 45 years recruiting in Occupational Health.
OH Sourcing are a niche recruitment agency specialising in a broad range of Occupational Health and Wellness jobs. These Include: Screening Nurses, Technicians, Advisors, Managers and Physicians. We recruit permanent, temporary and fixed-term contract roles. Our experience encompasses both public and private sectors as well as large and small OH Providers nationwide.
Our exceptional experience and knowledge of this market ensures we are best placed to offer advice and guidance to both our clients and candidates. We pride ourselves on our open and honest advice given to suit you, not us!
If you have a vacancy to fill or are looking for your next move in Occupational Health, call one of our highly experienced team on 01707 819222